Helping employees set and attain goals is a critical part of every boss' job. Failure to meet goals can cause problems for the individual, you as the manager, and for the organization. But goals that are too easy don't serve anyone. Here are three ways to make sure the goals you set with your people are both attainable and ambitious.
1. Connect to the big picture. Everyone wants to see how their work contributes to larger corporate objectives. Make this explicit in every goal.
2. Incorporate personal interests. If possible, sculpt the employee's responsibilities so that he can do things that he enjoys, making it more likely he'll succeed. If he has an interest in teaching, give him a role in training others.
3. Set stretch targets. Employees tend to rise to the standard set for them. The more you expect, the more they will achieve.
Adapted from HBR's "Making Sure Your Employees Succeed" by Amy Gallo