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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Joe Torre’s rules for leading a team

Great tips on effective communication from leader, Joe Torre! Consider applying to your business team.

Baseball manager Joe Torre has led far more diverse and ego-driven teams than
most of us ever will. Yet, Torre’s teams have won repeatedly, thanks to these four
“rules of straight communication” he has developed over the years:

1. Remember that every player has a special need for one of these things:
motivation, reassurance or technical help. Determine what that need is and
meet it.

2. Deliver tightly focused, positive messages, such as a quick word of praise
for a good play. Simple words of appreciation are more powerful
motivators than many leaders expect.

3. Work hard to establish rapport with team members from backgrounds that
are different from your own. It does take extra work, but the results can be

4. Let team members know that you accept the full range of their emotions,
including fear and uncertainty. Unless people admit their fear, they will
never be able to confront obstacles and grow.

—Adapted from Joe Torre’s Ground Rules for Winners, Joe Torre and Henry
Dreher, Hyperion. From 2008 National Institute of Business "leadership Tips"

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